timberland boots

Fast forward to today's world, and Louis Vuitton handbags have become markers of class and luxury. This helps to make bags timberland boots from Louis Vuitton, the leading brand in the industry. In fact, the bags are so coveted that counterfeiters fertile flood the market with counterfeit goods, so that less than 1% of stock bought and sold are authentic Louis Vuitton made.

In an effort to counter the efforts of pirates handbags, Georges Vuitton, LV monogram child has the canvas in 1896, which was a first in the industry. The canvas is the designer brand label on the product at the factory. Only authentic Louis Vuitton bags LV monogram canvas has. Imitators may try to copy it, but the trained eye will know the difference!

Since 1888, designer handbags were available in the Damier canvas. Both Luis and Georges worked on the design, which bears marks deposee L. Vuitton, the French brands say L. Vuitton. After this, Georges posted Monogram Canvas whose symbols and graphics bose headphones were influenced by late Victorian influence in Asian art.

In 1901, the stock of steam, a small bag to go with large LV luggage trunks, was introduced. 1930 saw the introduction of the elegant and timeless Keepall Louis Vuitton handbag, which was first a sense of fashion and an icon. Along with its smaller successor, the Speedy, Keepall leather is styled with the trademark design through VI, and nike shox r4 soft curves and seal deals to propose the simplicity and practicality, while maintaining the feeling of luxury.
Par qinghua007 le lundi 20 décembre 2010


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